By: Jordan Cardoso
As the season come to an end for District gaming, I had a chance to meet the team at an event hosted by the Flatiron School in D.C. It was a fun, professionally run event with a lot more people than I had expected to be there. The players and other members of the team, such as the director of esports, content creators, and social media coordinator were very engaging with the people at the event. Great event all around and I am glad I could be there and put a face to my name.
In week 11 against Nets GC, the team started sixth man Paul B. He also got both starts in week 12 and had two solid games in those starts The team finished the last week going 1-1 with the loss coming from Magic Gaming and the win coming from Hawks Talon GC. The game against the Magic I feel like couldʼve been a close one if we had fewer turnovers Reesedagod was the leading scorer of that game dropping 25. In the second game against Hawks Talon GC District, gaming blew them out the water with the final score being 93-63 season-high for the team in points. Reesedagod had put up what was the highest-scoring record for season 2 which was 49! JT and Gilly both put up double-doubles, USER PICK had 8 points with five steals, and Paul B also filled the stat sheet almost having a double-double of his own.
All in all, I think Coach Crossan did a great job with this team, not the result we all wanted, but it was still a great season. District Gaming definitely had one of the hardest schedules this season finishing 7-9. Despite getting off to a slow start of 0-4, these guys didnʼt give up. I believe a big part of that had to do with Dayfri and JT both of these guys will to win is unmatched they showed a ton of leadership this season. It displays what type of guy Dayfri is by giving up his starting spot to let Paul get some run at the end of the season not many guys wouldʼve have done that. I give a lot of respect to JT because I know this isnʼt the season he wanted to have, and he owns up to the rough games he had this season. But he didnʼt let that get him down, and he kept pushing for his team.
I have my award winners for this season for the most improved player and MVP:
Most Improved this season from the team are Gilly and Reese. You could tell Reese just felt more comfortable with shooting and just playing his game after the 0-4 start. Same with the Gilly after a couple of games he started to come into his own after that the rest was history putting up double-doubles like it was nothing. For MVP, my choice was Dayfri he showed a lot of leadership this season coming to this new team. He made sure the team kept their heads up after the slow start to the season. While still having a stellar all-around season, and allowing others to get some shine as well.
USER PICK definitely had a lot of tough matchups guarding the best PGʼs in the league heʼs definitely one of the better up incoming lockdowns in the league, and this was only his rookie season from buzzer-beaters, season-high 25 points and 5 steals games heʼs on his way up. I also applaud Paul B for accepting the 6th man role some ppl would let it get to them, but you could see him always rooting for his teammates on the stage 100% waiting for his time to come and when it came he definitely ran with it he stayed ready and never gave up. Follow me on twitter at @JMoney4L_ and the team @WizardsDG until next time. #RunTheDistrict

Great coverage all season, Jordan