By: Mark T. Wilson
As great as The Blacklist was, it did not end without letdowns. One of the main questions fans wanted to know was if Raymond Reddington was Katarina Rostova. All signs pointed to that after the episode where he explained most to Liz but the writers never fully said they were the same person.
It wasn’t until the final episode that everything came to light. While talking to Agnes, as usual, Red was concerned about her well-being. Agnes then replied to him “Pinky, you sound like a Mom.” Red then replied, “ I guess, I just can’t help it.” Right there, that was the moment when it was confirmed. Some fans will disagree but I’m keeping with the sport of The Blacklist. They never come out in full blast with reveals, they keep it subtle and quick.
Red’s response to Agnes was the confirmation many wanted but at the same time, it was one that many did it want. Most wanted it plastered across a Billboard in Times Square. They wanted Red to come out and say it but when has that even been the style of The Blacklist? We got what we got because that’s the only way they know how to give it.
Since the beginning of The Blacklist, that has been the biggest mystery. Although the death of Elizabeth Keen may have shattered those dreams of finding out, we do have to remember that she did indeed know the truth. That was what the letter explained that Dembe gave her against the wishes of Raymond Reddington before she was about to kill him.
Was Raymond Reddington Katarina Rostova
The look in Liz’s eyes was not one of hate. It was a look of love and admiration. Red asked Liz to kill him so she could take over but how could she kill her mother? She tried countless times to kill Red and even arrested him. Hell, she sent him to prison where he almost died of lethal injection. Liz loved Red but she yearned for the love of her mother.
Red even told Liz that he’s not her father a few times but Liz refused to believe him. The signs have been there. But most importantly, think back to the final 2 seasons since Liz passed. There has been no mention of Red’s identity. That’s because that storyline died with Liz. The truth was already out to the people who needed to know. Liz, Dembe, and Red. That was it. As far as fans go, we just decided to ignore what was right in front of our eyes. We wanted it in bold print when it was written in fine print but no matter what, we were already told the truth.
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There was a scene that has people talking since the series finale when Red and Ressler were in the box and Ressler was dying. Red spoke of wanting to sleep again as he did as a boy. However, that was Season 1. In TV, there are many times when storylines are changed from the first season to Season 8 and so on.
It’s a trait that writers use a lot. They may forget small details and years later, they want to pivot and tell another story. Or, that could have been Red from the beginning throwing everyone off the fact that he was indeed born a female. With The Blacklist, nothing is as it ever seems. Red has said many times that he lies. What’s the difference here?
Go back to Agnes. What does she call Red? Pinky, right? Why is that? Pink is for girls. As I said, the answers have always been there.
In the video above, look and listen closely as everyone tasked with protecting Liz and the secret is talking to her. She knows that someone took the identity of Raymond Reddington and even then, we also know that Katarina is supposedly alive. During that clip, the music switched after we see someone go in for an operation. The score changes to “It’s A Mans World.” The significance of that is huge.
Rostova went from a woman on the run from her country to a man who would go on to run the greatest criminal enterprise ever. All she wanted was to protect her daughter and granddaughter and the only way to do that was from within. The real Reddington died and Katarina Rosotva took his identity, that was the last place anyone would look for her. Her becoming Raymond Reddington was a genius move. And let’s not forget the famous line, Rostova said that a new Reddington had to be created and constructed and that was right before the mysterious surgery took place.
Raymond Reddington is Katarina Rosatva. I wanted a happy ending. While I’m disappointed in how Red died, I’m satisfied knowing that the answers I’ve been clamoring for were answered. I like many, decided to ignore the hints at first.
What about the ending of season 6 where Red follows Katarina and she responds?
Red’s identity was revealed near the end of season 4 episode 8.
So Dom didn’t know/hated his daughter in her new guise? And who was the woman we believed to be Katarina who developed a relationship with Liz?
I think the idea, although I had it too, is wrong for 2 reasons: 1) a visible adam’s apple (of course…. James is a man); 2) in one of the last episodes Raymond seem to imply he made love to his Cuban ex-body guard and the scenes of her sitting on him are pretty revealing, in my opinion. So there’s no way reddington was rostova. And, frankly, it would be unreal and kind of stupid too….
LoL and how did he f*d the black lady the ?

This is BS!!! Raimond is Katerina

Katrina Rostova is…… bisexual. there, I said it.
So in the one episode where Katharina is kidnapping Raymond and he sees her in this alley and says: Katharina? And kisses her….
If he would be Katharina, that would be a very odd reaction.
One time Raymond is acknowledging to Dembe that Liz Keen isn’t her daughter
for me Cape May in Season 3 gave it away. Memories from past can only be known by the own person. Artistic monologue presented as a dialogue.
There are a few strange things to remember. They did a DNA test to check if Liz is his daughter and the test was positive. While everything can be changed (and hormone therapy can actually lead to FTM transsexuals grow an adams apple), the DNA is hard to touch. So even if the test revealed that Liz is his daughter, it would also have revealed his real gender and that Red is her mother. Afaik, only a bone marrow donation might be able to affect the DNA, but that would be a quite extreme procedure.
On the other side, remember that black woman in Season 8. „All my life I thought that I am straight“ Why should she say that after a night with Red, if he is a man?
If you look at all the seasons , all the black listers were people who could have done the surgery and DNA change, there was one who did change people’s DNA, and I agree cape fear gave it away early on
Yes, this is what I felt since connecting the dots after season 8 too. Liz ask him earlier in the show “Are you my father?” Red hesitates and after a while says “No”. Which is true cuz Red is the mother. That last phone call with Agnes also confirmed it to me.
It has nothing to do with sexuality. Its a diguise. Thats it. Forget putting him in some box.

A genious Make-over that has nothing to do with sexuality. Just forget that kind of nonesence.
He/she must be Rostova in a New form and that sex scenes proofes nothing. Think out of the boxes and the labels we give people.
He is her.
It is nothing more but genious and Red has been just that all the Way thru the show. All these years.
So explain the time in a mens prisons.
Not possible, Red finds Katarina at the end of season 6, still alive and still a woman…
The katarina in s6 was a fake. Did yall manage to miss that massive reveal?
I enjoyed watching the series from seasons to season 10. However, I was disappointed with the last episode of season 10. They should’ve explained that Raymond was actually Katarina.
I think Katrina was schizophrenic and delusional. Red was just in touch with his feminine side. I don’t see Red as Katrina no way. If lm wrong so be it. I have thoroughly enjoyed “The Black List”.
Yeah, James Spader was actually a woman all along. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Beclowning. I love it.
Blacklist was fun to watch. At least the only think we the fans would have appreciated if the contents of the letter dembe was to give Elizabeth keen were revealed to us other than some call to Agnes that barely confirms that Red is Katarina Rostova. At least the show could have been to the end in season 8 other than having a whole two seans without the main actress. That was really disappointing and if that wasn’t even enough, the death of Red made it worse.
Red was Katarina. There’s something he said to Constantine Rostova which made the guy free Red instantly although he had intended to kill Red