“…You’re not to miss practice, unless you’re DEAD!”, old football saying
Although embellished a Football Player has heard a version of this message from a Coach on many occasions.
It’s the life that a player leads and Non-Combatants, unless they’re former warriors themselves…would not understand.
That time of the year is right around the corner!
High School Football on Fridays, College Football on Saturdays and…
NFL Football on Sundays, Mondays and even sometimes on Thursdays, too.
It’s a free-for-all and if you’re a Football Fan there’s going to be a game on for you to watch somewhere, regardless of your allegiances.
And it’s time for me – again! – to enjoy some of my All-Time favorite football movies.
The fact that I have them and watched each one maybe over one hundred times and memorized every single line has not taken anything away from the experience.
Friday Night Lights ~ Football in Texas is a religion and for these high school students there’s overwhelming pressure, not just to win, but to win State! It’s brutal the pressure these young men have to play under. This movie inspired the launching of a television series. The character Boobie Miles reminds me of the Marcus Dupree Story on ESPN Classics’ The Best that Never Was.
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Remember The Titans ~ This is also inspired on a true story preached by Coach Herman Boone ( Denzel Washington ) that sends out a message about racial equality during very, very turbulent times in our country. An entire community finds one common bond, Football! and that it does not matter the way another man looks.
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Playmakers ~ I own this Three Disc Set for no larger reason than the fact that the NFL and the Powers That Be ignored every censorship rule on our planet and pressured ESPN to take this dramatic series off the air years ago because it painted players and owners in a negative – Yet! – realistic, light.