About Us

Hello and welcome to Team NBS Media.

You’re most likely here because either you saw one of our articles or live streams.

However you found us, we thank you for taking time from your busy day to give NBS an opportunity to bring you media OUR way. What does that mean you ask? Great question! It means passionate women and men writing about what they love. It means engaging in a dialogue with readers, listeners, and viewers who are essential to what we do.

The idea started with a conversation with Brian, aka B Nasty, in my living room about how we should do a sports show. At the time we had no clue whether it was even possible. After researching online I discovered it was very possible and our weekly football show was born. That first show was rough; there was an echo, and we stumbled over our words, but most important than any of that, it was freaking AWESOME! We kept at it and added some other people to what was becoming a team.

So what can you expect from us? Thought-provoking articles, the latest updates in the media world. Personally, this is like Christmas Day for me, I am so excited. All I ever wanted was to be able to share my obsession and passion for sports, entertainment, and more with others. Most people played a sport of some kind growing up, and some of us still participate in sports. Sports bring people from all walks of life together regardless of differences like race, economic standing, sex, and religion. Now we have left the world of sports alone and grown to cover all things media. So I invite you to take a look around, read the articles and content, and share what you love (as well as what you don’t love so much) because you input helps make us better.

Again I want to thank you for checking us out and coming along with us on this amazing adventure as we live out our motto spread Passion & Professionalism ! They Sleep And WE Make Moves.

Joe Cardoso
Founder, Team NBS Media, LLC
